Thread subject: :: indet Dolichopodidae from Mallorca
Posted by daveb21 on 06-03-2025 17:58
Can anyone help with this please, wing venation is different as dm-m is missing and the costa only goes to R4-5. Large white palps, no modifications to legs and a few bi-serial acrosticals. It doesn't want to fit in with the Palaearctic key and I'm a bit stumped.
Posted by daveb21 on 06-03-2025 17:59
Struggling to attach the image!
Posted by daveb21 on 06-03-2025 18:14
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, no gaps in file name, correct size and format!
Posted by Tony Irwin on 07-03-2025 00:14
Remember that some special characters are prohibited in the file name.
Also, don't preview a message that has an image attached - the image will be lost.