Thread subject: :: What kind of Psychodidae sp.

Posted by JarJar on 02-03-2025 17:21

Hello everybody,

is it possible to narrow down the kind of Psychodidae?

Best regards and thanks a lot!

Seen in Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Waldshut, at night (light) 04. May 2018

Edited by JarJar on 02-03-2025 17:22

Posted by weia on 02-03-2025 19:43

It's a Panimerus and likely P. notabilis. I would say. But I do not know how many Panimerus species there are in your region.

Posted by JarJar on 02-03-2025 20:58

Thanks a lot for your help, Weia!
Best regards, Heel veel dank,