Posted by Joerg Schneider on 20-02-2025 21:26
19. and 20.02.2025, close to St. Anton in Tirol/Österreich, 1300m above sea level. Green underground: waste bin for dog poop (in bags) at a hiking path throgh a snow field; white underground: wall around horse manure dump. Both flies about 3-4mm. What did I see there? Thank you for your help, Jörg
Edited by Joerg Schneider on 21-02-2025 17:40
Posted by Joerg Schneider on 21-02-2025 17:16
Oh, I thought this one would be much "easier" than the grey ones - with its orange abdomen. But checking the Gallery - nothing is easy with this family, I guess. Many thanks for your help!