Posted by karl7 on 18-02-2025 15:33
Have a nice Day. One question please. Could this be Eriothrix rufomaculata? Can the white abdomen come from pollen? The fly sits on an Eryngium planum plant. I would be very grateful for an answer. Best Wishes Karl.
Finding data: Austria, Lower Austria, Tattendorf, 220m, semi-dry grassland, August 8, 2024, Size: 6-8 mm
Edited by karl7 on 19-02-2025 10:00
Posted by eklans on 19-02-2025 09:48
Eriothrix rufomaculata is correct and the abdomen is partially dusted. Males are typically stronger dusted than females.
Posted by karl7 on 19-02-2025 09:59
Hello Eric, thanks for confirming Eriothrix rufomaculata.
Best wishes Karl.