Thread subject: :: Carabus larvae?

Posted by Josef Buecker on 26-02-2008 22:57

Hello forum,

yesterday (25.02.2008) I found the following larvae under a piece of wood in the artificial alder marshland in Hagen (NRW, D), 175 m above nn.

Is there anybody who knows what it is? I think, it might be some larvae of the Coleoptera family Carabidae.

I hope for a closer ID.

Best wishes,


Posted by John Bratton on 27-02-2008 13:37

Those prongs at the front remind me of the larva of the giant lacewing Osmylus. It feeds on worms around the edges of water.

John Bratton

Posted by Josef Buecker on 27-02-2008 23:04

Hello John,
I think, you are right. With the correcht information it is easy to find pictures in the internet that are highly comparable.
Thank you,
