Thread subject: :: Is it a Micropezid

Posted by Gordon on 23-02-2008 19:49

Looking through my Micropezidae I found one species that was sufficiently different I wondered if it was something else. The wing venation and general habitus are OK. Sorry there is no photo.

Body length (without ovipositor) 8-9 mm
Thorax all dark, black, shiny.
Arista noticeably long.
Halteres white.
Vein 7 strong, but may stop just before the wing margin
No additional bristles above and beyond the general pilosity of the tibia.
No claspers in the male.
All legs clear orange but forefemora darkened above near distal end.
Foretibia darkened.
But All femora swollen and shorter than in other micropezids (about half the length of the abdomen), the hind pair more swollen than the others and all femora possessing a double row of stout short spines/bristles along the the under side.

Well is it a Micropezid????????????????

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 23-02-2008 20:20

Did you check for Megamerina ?

Edited by Stephane Lebrun on 23-02-2008 20:25

Posted by Paul Beuk on 23-02-2008 20:32

Short antennae: might well be Megamerina.
Long antennae: check for Sepedon (Sciomyzidae).
Both are in the Gallery.

Posted by Gordon on 23-02-2008 22:59

Gee thanks Stephane, Megamerina dolium looks very good in deed, but I better get a paper description of it before I claim 9th new family added to the Greek Fauna, it would be a shame to be wrong.

Paul, do you by any chance have any papers on Sciomyzidae you could send me photocopies of, like Rozkosny, R. 1991 A Key to the Genus Pherbellia
Or Knutson and Orth 1984 The Sepedon shegea complex etc
Or Merz b. Rozkosny R. 1995 A new Pherbellia for central Europe
Or ----well I'll wait and see what you say to that.:D