Thread subject: :: Minute fly, Agromyzidae?=>Yes, Cerodontha prob.

Posted by guplox on 25-08-2024 09:47

Photographed very recently in Zhejiang China. Barely reaching 2mm in body length, resting on a grass blade (possibly Barnyardgrass) near a river. Could it be in the family Agromyzidae? Or totally something else? Thanks in advance!

Edited by guplox on 08-09-2024 04:20

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 07-09-2024 20:45

Agromyzidae, Phytomyzinae, probably a Cerodontha spec. female, which may belong to the C. (Poemyza) muscina group, in which 1/3 or 1/2 distal parts of the femora are yellow. Regrettably, the photo is outside the focus. The costa vein extents to the M1 vein and a hind cross vein is present (right wing in the left photo). Completely yellow femora of all legs are rare in species with dark thorax including dark scutellum. If a male or more specimens of this species are obtainable, the flies should be preserved for identification and description. C. (Poemyza) spp. attack cereals and other grasses. Please enlarge these photos with the information if the locality was North or South of 30° latitude as Zhejiang in its most northern part belongs to the Palaearctic, while most of the province belongs in the Oriental Region. Best add the exact locality with geographical coordinates (e.g. from Google Earth or Google Maps).

Posted by guplox on 08-09-2024 04:05

Extra-terrific! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise and knowledge on Agromyzidae, @von Tschirnhaus! Unfortunately I have only spotted/photographed this female one. And as this is a really teeny weeny itsy bitsy fly, the photo is basically in its original size with two shots (lateral and dorsal) merged and unnecessary part cropped. However, I have now upscaled the previous upload using AI, so it might look a little bigger and there's added locality info. Thank you again!

Posted by guplox on 08-09-2024 04:06


Edited by guplox on 08-09-2024 04:21

Posted by guplox on 08-09-2024 04:19

Another dorsal shot (AI upscaled) that seems to better show the venation

Edited by guplox on 08-09-2024 04:23