Thread subject: :: Which fly ?

Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 16-08-2024 11:39

I have some doubts about the family: is it a Calliphoridae for this specimen of 5 mm length observed on august 12th (Yonne department, Near the town of Sens; France).
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 13/08/2024
Altitude : 171 m - Taille : 5 estimé
Réf. : 347354
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 13/08/2024
Altitude : NR - Taille : 5 estimé
Réf. : 347355
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 12/08/2024
Altitude : NR - Taille : 5 estimé
Réf. : 347486

Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 02-09-2024 12:30

with white calypters, 2+3 dc, and 3 ac post => Melinda ???
All my thanks for your expertise.

Posted by eklans on 02-09-2024 16:03

Hello, I think it's a Bellardia and I guess it may be Bellardia pandia - because of 2 pv bristles on fore tibia. (Melinda's thorax & abdomen are metallic blue)

Posted by Nacho Cabellos on 02-09-2024 20:18

For me, it looks like Phyto....(Rhinophoridae)

Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 03-09-2024 06:36

Thanks Eric for your reply.
Regards, Jean-Michel Garel.

Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 03-09-2024 06:38

Thanks Nacho for your suggestion.
Regards, Jean-Michel Garel.