Thread subject: :: Which fly is this? --> Physiphora alceae

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 13-08-2024 09:43

Sighted on 13.08.2024 in Germany Baden Württemberg on the wall of the house. Size approx. 6mm. What is it?

Thank you and best regards

Edited by Bernd Rottenburger on 13-08-2024 10:25

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 13-08-2024 09:44

Bild 2

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 13-08-2024 09:44

Bild 3

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 13-08-2024 10:06

Physiphora alceae

Posted by Bernd Rottenburger on 13-08-2024 10:24

Thank you for the help!

Best regards