Thread subject: :: Linnaemya

Posted by THIONYC on 09-08-2024 17:04

I think of the genus Linnaemya, and with this orange stripe on the head, may be Linnaemya soror ? I do not know if this species is present in France though...
Thank you for your help !

Edited by THIONYC on 09-08-2024 17:04

Posted by Zeegers on 12-08-2024 13:05

Yes Linnaemyia and no, we cannot help. Genitalia needed.


Posted by THIONYC on 14-08-2024 17:55

Thank you. Since I have the fly, I ll try to remove the genitalia. I have no idea of how to proceed, is there a particular way to do it ?

Posted by Zeegers on 16-08-2024 15:27

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