Thread subject: :: Tabanus ID - north-western France

Posted by BLecaplain on 09-08-2024 13:40

I have a specimen of Tabanus, quite difficult to identify. 11-12mm. Eye with one band (i'm not sure, the specimen was in alcohol).
- median callus quite large, connected to basal callus (bromius group)
- frons clearly narrower at the base, not parallel
- antenna red without dark (segment 3 totally red/orange), segment 3 (base) not so elongate than bromius or maculicornis (of my little collection)
- palp quite large and short, dark hair not really dense
- vertex with pale hairs
- postocular margin broad (like maculicornis) with long pale hairs
- no black hair under eyes on each side of the antennas (maculicornis have those black hairs).
Subgenital plate similar to bromius of my collection (but I have no publication with illustration of subgenital plate of european Tabanus)

Any idea ? If one banded eyes, so it is bromius or maculicornis (in western France). With this large postocular margin, I think it's maculicornis but some criteria are missing (shape of the allula too, not similar to maculicornis).
Thanks for your help,

Edited by BLecaplain on 09-08-2024 14:35

Posted by BLecaplain on 09-08-2024 13:44


Edited by BLecaplain on 09-08-2024 13:48

Posted by BLecaplain on 09-08-2024 13:49


Posted by BLecaplain on 09-08-2024 13:49


Edited by BLecaplain on 09-08-2024 13:51

Posted by BLecaplain on 09-08-2024 14:08

precision : collected by Malaise tent in 2019, in a moor (near a lake and forest)

Posted by Zeegers on 12-08-2024 13:07

Yes, bromius it is.


Posted by BLecaplain on 12-08-2024 13:25

Thank you Theo !