Thread subject: :: Strange Dexiosoma caninum?

Posted by jenygard on 31-07-2024 14:53

My first post, thank you for letting me in. I am a retired biologist from Lier, close to Oslo, Norway. I am not specialised in Diptera, but encounter a lot of interesting flies. I try to contibute by taking high quality pictures of insects with focus on identification.

In this case I have a fly from my garden photographed on July 25. that should be a Dexiosoma caninum, but it has wings all yellowish and som yellow spots on the abdomen. I haven't found anything similar in pictures of Dexosoma caninum on the internet. Is it an anomaly or could it be another species?

(How do I add a second image?)

Edited by jenygard on 31-07-2024 14:56

Posted by eklans on 31-07-2024 16:08

Welcome jenygard! At a first glance it looks good for Dexiosoma caninum, but a dorsal view of the thorax and a lateral one of the head would help to be sure.
You can easily add images to your thread with the button +NEW REPLY.

Posted by jenygard on 31-07-2024 20:27

Second picture, side view

Posted by Zeegers on 03-08-2024 18:46

Sure looks like the male of Dexia vacua, which is pretty rare !


Posted by jenygard on 11-08-2024 21:06

Sorry for late reply. I have been away for a week. Thank you for the answer. That is very interesting. I find only 5 very old records of Dexia vacua in the Norwegian database of species ( I will follow up with Norwegian dipterists.

Posted by jenygard on 13-08-2024 06:11

Third picture of this fly, a little more from the side.

Edited by jenygard on 13-08-2024 06:14