Thread subject: :: Which Limoniidae with hairy wings? Which gender?--> Chaoborus spec

Posted by RE Niks on 31-07-2024 14:08

I found this Limoniidae on my night illuminated sheet in the Netherlands. I highlighted three places that I found odd. Blue arrow: the usual straight cross vein has been replaced by a more fluent longitudinal vein, and the yellow arrows point to forks that both spring down instead of up. So, it cannot be Molophilus?
And pictures added of genitalia: not hooks but neither an ovipositor. So: male or female?

Edited by RE Niks on 14-08-2024 16:59

Posted by John Carr on 31-07-2024 15:11

The hairy veins (not membrane) are like Molophilus but the course of the veins is wrong. It is a different genus, probably close to Erioptera.

Posted by RE Niks on 31-07-2024 17:51

Thanks! Indeed, hairs on veins. I found, however, that all Erioptera species I could check do not have the fluently diagonal cross vein (all have the cross vein perpendicular) and also the points I indicated in yellow do not fit Erioptera, nor do the genitals.
Which genera are closely related to Erioptera that I may check?

Edited by RE Niks on 31-07-2024 17:52

Posted by RE Niks on 14-08-2024 17:00

I found that it should be a member of the Chaoboridae!

Posted by John Carr on 14-08-2024 18:01

RE Niks wrote:
I found that it should be a member of the Chaoboridae!

Indeed. I thought I saw two complete anal veins but there is only one.