Thread subject: :: Bombylius ID - north-western France

Posted by BLecaplain on 28-07-2024 10:42


I have some difficulty to identify this Bombylius found in Brittany in a place where B. posticus is known and quite common.
posticus like with 2-3 yellow bristles just before the implant of each wing. Head of the halter dark.
Femora black and as posticus we have white scales on last tergites.
There is no black hair on abdomen (presents in posticus) but this is certainly variable and dependant on good conservation of the specimen.
Genitalia is quite different from posticus. We have a clear strangulation on gonocoxa and aedeagus last part is more round and not thin as in posticus. More dark too.

No idea for this specimen !
Any suggestion ?

Edited by BLecaplain on 28-07-2024 10:43

Posted by BLecaplain on 28-07-2024 10:44

genitalia of posticus for comparaison

Edited by BLecaplain on 28-07-2024 10:45

Posted by BLecaplain on 31-07-2024 14:04

Nobody for my beautiful bee fly ?