Thread subject: :: Muscidae

Posted by Josef Buecker on 23-02-2008 10:09

Hello Forum,

one more fly from the alder marshland in Hagen (D) 175 m above sea level. This photo was taken on July 31st 2007. The plant in the background is Heracleum shondyleum.

The author of this photo is my co-worker Hans-J?rgen Reichling (Hagen, D). The picture was digitalized from a paper photo.

Is it a Sarcophaga spec.? What else? Is a closer ID possible?

Best wishes


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 23-02-2008 11:02


Posted by Josef Buecker on 23-02-2008 17:15

Hello Jorge,

yes, Sarcophagidae. I was to hasty with the family.

Nevertheless, is a closer ID possible? There is another picture of the same animal, taken from Hans-J?rgen Reichling as well.

Best regards,


Posted by Xespok on 23-02-2008 17:20

No. There are cc. 1oo species belonging to several genera and countless subgernera that look more or less this. Males are identifiable by the rather distinct genitalal stucture, which are large and relatively easy to see, females are tough, and for many species no determination is possible.

If I see well this is a female.