Thread subject: :: Thai19. non-Tephritidae

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 13-01-2006 13:31

Widespread under trees, 4mm.
It is not Tephritidae, neither Pallopteridae I think.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 13-01-2006 14:25

Could well be Sciomyzidae. A lateral shot might help.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 14-01-2006 13:56

Lateral image, I hope same-same fly.

Posted by Jan Willem on 14-01-2006 20:17

Hi Nikita and Paul,

I don't want to say Sciomyzidae is impossible, but the convergent post-vertical bristles don't point to that family.

Jan Willem

Posted by Zeegers on 15-01-2006 12:52

Are we really really sure that's it's no Tephritidae ?
It really does NOT look like Sciomyzidae.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 15-01-2006 13:36

Vein Sc link to C on angle far less than 90, it is my reason why not Tephritidae.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 16-01-2006 00:02

And are there many Tephritidae with a long plumose arista?

Posted by Kahis on 16-01-2006 08:38

My guess is Lauxaniidae, near Homoneura. There are several lauxaniid genera with dotted wings in the eatern Palearctic and no doubt also some in the Oriental region.

Posted by John Smit on 16-01-2006 10:47

Dear all,

The bristles on the legs and abdomen are far too large for a Tephritid! As is the colour of the eyes.
So I'd rather go with Lauxanidae.


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 17-01-2006 08:40

Thank you all.

Posted by Xespok on 17-01-2006 13:46

Hi Nikita,


you'll find a very similar fly which is one of the easily identifiable Lauxaniid flies of Japan. It is supposed to be Homoneura euaresta. Whehter it is the same species or a closely related one is difficult to say. The wing pattern is somewhat variable.


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 17-01-2006 23:26

Thank you Xespok. I have Shatalkin's key to Palearctic Lauxaniidae. According this key it is Homoneura, but not H.euaresta. Also according it Oriental region is center of Homoneurinae diversity. As illustration of this fact I can add another one Thai Homoneurinae.
Fly is collected, may be Shatalkin himself know it till species.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-01-2006 23:59

According Shatalkin's guide for Palearctic Lauxaniidae there are 3 species with such a painted wings: H. euaresta - Japan-Korea-Russia Far East, H. picta - widespread China-Oriental, H. trypetoptera - widespread Oriental, possibly South China.
H. trypetoptera - arista with hair as long or more than 3-d segm antenae wide (rest two Homoneura - arista hair 1/3 as long...).
H. trypetoptera - femora yellow with narrow brown ring in apical part.

So I think it is Homoneura trypetoptera.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-01-2007 13:38

Finally confirmed by Anatoliy Shatalkin as Homoneura trypetoptera:D