Thread subject: :: Tabanidae ID

Posted by chacalou on 09-07-2024 15:53


I'm new to the Tabanidae and I'd like to have an opinion on these two males which make me hesitate between Tabanus miki for this one and Tabanus bromius.

The eyes are not hairy and the size is about 11.6mm.

Location: Marais Vernier (Eure, 27) - France - 16 may 2024
Thank you in advance for your clarifications.
Best regards

Edited by chacalou on 09-07-2024 16:14

Posted by Zeegers on 09-07-2024 15:55

Alas, the picture doesnt show ....

Posted by chacalou on 09-07-2024 15:56

Zeegers wrote:
Alas, the picture doesnt show ....

Yes sorry, i didn't saw my size ws too high
other pictures incoming

Posted by chacalou on 09-07-2024 15:57


Posted by chacalou on 09-07-2024 15:57


Posted by chacalou on 09-07-2024 15:58

ventral view

Edited by chacalou on 09-07-2024 15:59

Posted by Zeegers on 09-07-2024 16:29

This is clearly the male of maculicornis
(bluish colour, long hairs on occiput, long palpus and of course shape of alula)

Buy the book !


Posted by chacalou on 09-07-2024 16:43

Thank you very much,

The worst thing is that I already have this book and I've used it to come to this conclusion.
I missed the criterion of the head being much larger than the thorax and I was on the wrong track...

But it's helped me make progress, thank you very much again.

Posted by Zeegers on 20-07-2024 17:19

Well, it is not the book then, that made this mistake :)