Thread subject: :: Chaetorellia

Posted by Jessica on 28-06-2024 20:08


I saw this male on a Centaurea jacea. So may be Chaetorellia jaceae ?

But in France we have Chaetorellia acrolophi, Chaetorellia hestia, Chaetorellia loricata and Chaetorellia succinea...
How can I distinguish them ?
Jessica Joachim : France : Mazères : 09270 : 28/06/2024
Altitude : 243 m - Taille : 5-6 mm environ
Réf. : 345128

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 29-06-2024 11:34

ID is difficult, indeed. There is an article by White and Marquardt (1989), with a key, which has not been updated since then. Reddish vittae on mesonotum and 4 pairs of black dots are in C. jaceae and C. acrolophi, but the latter, as well as C, australis is generally smaller and has more pependicular 2nd and 3rd crossbands (oblique in C. jaceae).
More precise ID requires females, dissections and measurements, or exact association with host plant (C. jacea). So this is certainly C. jaceae.

Edited by Nosferatumyia on 29-06-2024 11:35