Thread subject: :: Tephritis sp. for ID

Posted by Isidro on 21-05-2024 07:43

near Zaragoza, north-east Spain, 200 meters over sea level
19th May 2024
Relatively big for a Tephritis
Seen (probably casually) in Ephedra nebrodensis. Too many species of composites around.

Posted by Isidro on 28-05-2024 06:48


Posted by Isidro on 25-06-2024 06:37

@Nosferatumyia please help??

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 02-07-2024 14:47

Tephritis carmen Hering 1937 most probably; wing pattern, however, slightly differs from what I have seen; variability is also poorly known.

Posted by Isidro on 21-07-2024 16:16

Oh Valery, somehow I missed your repluy!!!!! Fortunately I see it now. Zillion thanks, it's a new species for my files!!!!