Thread subject: :: Tachinidae Belgium 2024-04-30 for ID

Posted by Tetrao on 01-05-2024 12:42

Hi everyone !!!

On 2024-04-30 I could picture the specimen below. I could measure it on pictures : 9,3mm
Using the Tschorsnig key for Tachinidae I think it could be a Macquartia ???

and going down in the key, I found :

Tergite 2 not hollowed out to the posterior edge (as in figs. 167, 169). 3 dc behind the suture (in some females of praefica 4 dc, then the first dc is very short). Palps yellow to black > 3

Middle tibia with 2 - 5 ad. Tergite 3 with 2 - 4 dorsal marginal bristles > 5

Cheeks at most hairy in their upper half. Legs black > 7

Inner edge of the calyptrae lying close to the thorax (fig. 117). Frons in males as wide as 1/3 - 2/3 of the 3rd antennal segment > 8

Hind tibia with 3 dorsal apical spurs, the central one sometimes very short. Tergite 2 as a rule with 2 dorsal
marginal bristles. Females: abdomen shiny black, with only very light dusting >>> Macquartia tenebricosa Meig.

Here are some pictures :

Added 2024-05-02 this picture of the left wing :

As I can see , a light on the hind tibia can also help identifying ...

I also add this one with orange palps ...

Seeing the larger of the front, I think it could be a female …

Is it possible that this could be Macquartia tenebricosa (Meigen, 1824) ???

Thank for comments and/or ID !!!!

Have a good day,

Edited by Tetrao on 02-05-2024 09:44

Posted by Zeegers on 03-05-2024 08:13



Posted by Tetrao on 03-05-2024 10:07

Thank you very much, Theo !
I had a last question !
I didn’t found a drawing or a picture where I could see or determine the Pteropleural bristle at couplet 70 of the Tschorsnig key for Tachinidae !
Do you have a link to such drawing ?
