Thread subject: :: Ceratopogonidae ID (cf. Nilobezzia)? -> possibly Dasyhelea

Posted by smol on 18-04-2024 10:18

Netherlands, 2024-03-13, indoors

I do not have the best resources on Ceratopogonidae, but know only about "Neotropical Ceratopogonidae (Diptera: Insecta)".

The following steps were taken by me to ID:
Eyes very narrowly separated, do not seem to spot macrotrichia on the wings, M forking just before r-m, normal tarsus?, would the genital (gonostylus) be seen as at least small?, radial cells with very small or unclear separation, anepisternum shows no setae → Could this be Nilobezzia?

Edited by smol on 08-05-2024 17:34

Posted by John Carr on 18-04-2024 14:20

I think it is a Dasyhelea. The eyes are touching and the short radial veins would be unusual for Sphaeromiini.

Posted by smol on 08-05-2024 17:33

John Carr wrote:
I think it is a Dasyhelea. The eyes are touching and the short radial veins would be unusual for Sphaeromiini.

Excuse the late reaction, and thank you very much for the feedback!

I found the following key which also gave me the same genus:
But still a lot of species not taken into account with the above key.

Edited by smol on 08-05-2024 17:35