Thread subject: :: Less 1 mm sciarid fly ;)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 16-02-2008 12:53


My friends, this fly is less than 1 mm and it is a sciarid fly... maybe Paul can tell more...
Photo taken today in Silgueiros - VISEU.
The sciarid fly was on stone. It measures about 0,8 mm, without counting the antennae :P It runs very quickly.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 16-02-2008 13:40

To see bigger here:

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 16-02-2008 13:41

Posted by Susan R Walter on 22-02-2008 10:55

Phwah! That is some serious apparatus on the rear end there :o

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 22-02-2008 13:33

thanks, Susan!
i have other photos here:

ps I will reply you this weekend. B)