Thread subject: :: Culicidae - further ID? --> Aedes caspius

Posted by kuv on 30-01-2024 14:39

Northern Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Neu-Lankau near Mölln, at the edge of a cultivated field near the Elbe-Lübeck-Canel, Outsidephotos: kuv, 18th of August 2023. Sorry, no real idea. Please help to get the ID.

Edited by kuv on 26-08-2024 11:34

Posted by kuv on 30-01-2024 14:40

2nd picture:

Posted by kuv on 30-01-2024 14:40

3rd picture:

Posted by eklans on 30-01-2024 16:00

A dorsal view could help (2 pale stripes on the brownish back?) - I guess it's possibly Aedes (Ochlerotatus) caspius.

Posted by kuv on 30-01-2024 16:12

Thank you very much Eric :), but no, I have no picture with dorsal view; it' a pity!
So I named it Aedes sp.
Greetings Kuv

Edited by kuv on 30-01-2024 16:13

Posted by brundlefly on 26-08-2024 10:16

Aedes caspius is correct.

Edited by brundlefly on 26-08-2024 10:16

Posted by kuv on 26-08-2024 11:34

Thank you very much, brundlefly |t.
Best regards