Thread subject: :: Small fly with long-haired arista = Scaptomyza pallida)

Posted by ebbek on 02-11-2023 20:16

I am happy for any ID-help with this small fly, body-length 2,5 mm. From our garden in SW Sweden today.



Edited by ebbek on 02-11-2023 21:34

Posted by ebbek on 02-11-2023 20:16

Other view

Posted by ebbek on 02-11-2023 20:17

Other view

Posted by ebbek on 02-11-2023 20:18

Other view

Posted by Andrzej on 02-11-2023 20:30

It's a vinegar fly. Change pls the name of the thread to Scaptomyza sp.

Edited by Andrzej on 02-11-2023 20:31

Posted by Jan Maca on 02-11-2023 21:00

Yes, this is the male of Scaptomyza pallida.

Posted by ebbek on 02-11-2023 21:33

Great - many thanks to both of you!
