Thread subject: :: Myxexoristops blondeli?

Posted by Auratus on 28-10-2023 15:54

Could this:https://waarnemin...291784484/ observation be a male Myxexoristops blondelli, seen in the Netherlands (2022-05-09)?

Thanks in advance.

Posted by Zeegers on 30-10-2023 13:45

please post the pic here


Posted by Auratus on 30-10-2023 23:03

Pic 1

Posted by Auratus on 30-10-2023 23:04

Pic 2

Posted by Auratus on 30-10-2023 23:04

Pic 3

Posted by Auratus on 30-10-2023 23:04

Pic 4

Posted by Zeegers on 30-10-2023 23:19

Yes, that could be the male of M. blondeli. Nice ID.
There should be 2 smaller bristles on humerus before the three latger ones, difficult to see in picture.
And there should be only one anterodorsal on mid tibia. You can check for yourself.


Posted by Auratus on 31-10-2023 12:15

Theo, i can confirm both features. Tried to photograph them as well

Posted by Auratus on 31-10-2023 12:15

Pic 6

Edited by Auratus on 31-10-2023 12:16