Thread subject: :: Ephydridae

Posted by thiery on 28-09-2023 08:47
thiery : France : Saint-Chamas : 13250 : 21/09/2023
Altitude : 1 m - Taille : 4,0 mm.
Réf. : 330372
thiery : France : Saint-Chamas : 13250 : 21/09/2023
Altitude : 1 m - Taille : 4,0 mm.
Réf. : 330373

This fly is present in large numbers on a pond on which it moves quickly to the surface.
The Ephydridae family seems to be a good match. The binocular reveals the absence of silk on the third antennal segment, which normally excludes the species with the neighbouring habit Setacera micans.
Would you have an opinion on the genus, or even on a species?
Thanks for your help!

Posted by Tony Irwin on 28-09-2023 09:11

To me, this looks like Ephydra flavipes, a widespread species in the Mediterranean region

Posted by thiery on 28-09-2023 10:17

Merci Tony !