Thread subject: :: Tephritidae?

Posted by tarsiger on 03-02-2008 23:57

...told you... :-)

July25:th 2007 Dalstorp Sweden


Posted by Nosferatumyia on 04-02-2008 00:23

Trypeta immaculata Macquart. Leafminer in Taraxacum. However, in my opinion, this name is based on misidentification (I have seen Macquart's type in Lille, which has nothing to do with this species). Until these results are published, I strongly advice to apply this name. A nice picture, which deserves to be in the gallery.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-02-2008 00:24

Euleia heraclei? it seems that marks are incomplete... newly emerged?

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 04-02-2008 00:29

Sorry Jorge. Yar late... ;)

Posted by tarsiger on 04-02-2008 00:41

:) Thx both of you!
