Thread subject: :: Conopid from 02.07.23 --> Physocephala rufipes

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-07-2023 22:03


this 10-12 mm Conopidae rested on a leaf at a blackberry hedge near a small rivulet (northwest Germany). Physocephala rufipes?

Edited by Juergen Peters on 03-07-2023 22:01

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-07-2023 22:03

Pic #2

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-07-2023 23:01

After looking at old photos (the one below is from July 2021) I am now quite sure, it is Physocephala rufipes - in an untypical resting pose und with the narrow "waist" mostly hidden by the wings.

Posted by Karsten Thomsen on 03-07-2023 16:15

Yes, I would suggest you edit the title bar to Physocephala rufipes.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 03-07-2023 22:01

Karsten Thomsen wrote:
Yes, I would suggest you edit the title bar to Physocephala rufipes.

Thanks, Karsten. I will do it.