Posted by Gordon on 31-01-2008 09:50
Accordong to my FSC guide to the families of Diptera of Britain the last character to separate Anthomyiidae is
33 -- Front femora with a short, stout spine beneath, clearly differentiated from other bristles.
It does state there is one species that does not have the spine, however in the flies Jan Maca sorted for me there are two (only) Anthomyiidae, and I have looked very carefully and they have no spines beneath the femora.
So I am assuming that this character is not much good for Greek species, but I would be interested in any expert opinions before I send them off.
Wishing you all well
Posted by Paul Beuk on 31-01-2008 10:18
I think you mean 'Anthomyzidae'.
And not all Anthomyzidae have the fore femoral spine. I recently saw an 'atypical' anthomyizid from Spain (
Santhomyza inermis) that has a rather un-anthomyzid like appearance and, as the name already tells you, no spine. Other genera without the spines are
Typhamyza and