Thread subject: :: Cylindromyia (probably brassicaria)

Posted by Christine Devillers on 30-01-2008 17:57

In the Tachinids key of Central Europe, the first feature to look at is hind tibia WITH or WITHOUT pv-bristles.
Does the yellow arrow show a pv-bristle ?

Edited by Christine Devillers on 05-11-2008 22:31

Posted by Christine Devillers on 30-01-2008 18:04

Is this the apical scutellar bristles (yellow arrow) ?

Edited by Christine Devillers on 30-01-2008 18:05

Posted by Christine Devillers on 30-01-2008 18:11

abdomen ventrally

Posted by Zeegers on 30-01-2008 20:25

The apical scutellar is correct. In the same picture, you can see basal scutellar bristles. Very difficult to see, they are there. So this really should be brassicaria.
The bristle on the tibia is posterio-dorsal, not -ventral.
There is no pv bristle, that's why you can't pinpoint it.


Posted by Christine Devillers on 30-01-2008 23:25
