Thread subject: :: Diptera from Tunisia

Posted by zeiri on 01-05-2023 17:47

Help with identification please
Thank you

Posted by Jan Maca on 01-05-2023 18:19

Lonchaeidae (Lonchaea?).

Posted by zeiri on 01-05-2023 18:30

Probably yes as i found them amoung parasitoids of the almond bark beetle. I guess in the litterature it is condsidered as predator of bark beetle. Can i found some key to Palearctic /North african species?

Posted by zeiri on 01-05-2023 18:35

Other Photos

Posted by zeiri on 01-05-2023 18:35

Other Photo

Posted by John Carr on 01-05-2023 19:43

zeiri wrote:
Probably yes as i found them amoung parasitoids of the almond bark beetle. I guess in the litterature it is condsidered as predator of bark beetle. Can i found some key to Palearctic /North african species?

See https://www.zobod...onchaeidae. I can not say how closely these old publications correspond to modern taxonomy.

Posted by Jan Maca on 02-05-2023 21:20

With such splendid green coloration (as it is apparent from the second picture) it should be Lamprolonchaea smaragdi.