Thread subject: :: Norway: Heleomyzidae - Suillia ♀ -> mikii

Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 10-04-2023 19:35

Netted 28 June 2022 in Luster, Vestland in mixed forest. Specimen is kept.

Help appreciated as always!

Cheers Jørn

Edited by Jorn R Gustad on 12-04-2023 21:58

Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 10-04-2023 19:35


Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 11-04-2023 22:14

Found a key in Hedström (1995) for the Nordic species, and think this is S. bicolor based on the small but dense hairs on scutum, but see the comment on the next picture with the costal spines. The specimen is btw ca 5,5 mm.

Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 11-04-2023 22:18

Though, the costal spines is maybe too long, as they should be ca as long as width of costa. In S. mikii (which Hedström says also can have spread hairs on scutum) he gives the spines as 2-3 as long as width of costa.

Edited by Jorn R Gustad on 11-04-2023 22:22

Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 12-04-2023 21:57

Morgan Amundsen made me realize that I have misread the key, switching scutum with scutellum... This fly has no (small) hairs on scutellum (the specimen checked again this evening), and thus keys out to S. mikii.

Cheers Jørn

Posted by Jan Willem on 13-04-2023 11:19

Suillia dumicola Collin, seems to be rather close to S. mikii. No idea if this species could also be present in Norway.