Thread subject: :: Bibio pomonae, male

Posted by helge on 03-04-2023 10:50

Austria, August about 1200 m asl.

Thank you for your help.

Edited by helge on 03-04-2023 13:07

Posted by eklans on 03-04-2023 11:25

Hello Helge, I'm still waiting for the first one to appear in my garden, but I have no doubt - you are corret!

Posted by Zeegers on 03-04-2023 12:26

Not sure where you live, Eric, but the species has disappeared from lower altitudes rapidly, so your garden needs to go up :)


Posted by eklans on 03-04-2023 12:41

At 420 m ASL, approx. 60 km west to Nuremberg. Thank you Theo, seems I will wait in vain. :|

Posted by helge on 03-04-2023 13:06

Hi all, thank you for your help Eric and the comments!


Posted by Zeegers on 04-04-2023 09:00

Well, it does occur at 500 m in the Ardennes, of course colder than Nuremberg. And in case you didn’t notice, it is a summer species, so don’t go on holidays :)
