Thread subject: :: Muscidae (?)

Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:00

Hello! I caught this one today, (Febr. 22) in Hungary. I think, that this is a Muscidae species, but I don’t have any idea, which species, but I think that this is a Muscina species. Could you help me please?

Edited by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:05

Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:00


Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:01


Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:01


Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:01


Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:02


Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:03


Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:03


Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 19:04


Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-02-2023 20:50

Muscina prolapsa

Posted by varganimrod on 22-02-2023 21:32

Thank you very much!

Posted by Juergen Peters on 23-02-2023 00:04

Paul Beuk wrote:
Muscina prolapsa

Not levida (completely black antennae, only very slightly curved M-vein)?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 23-02-2023 08:40

You are right, I swapped the character of the palpi colour in my head. :o

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 23-02-2023 09:04

This week we published new paper "Notes on Palaearctic Muscina (Diptera, Muscidae)"
Abstract. A review of Eurasian fauna of Muscina is offered. In our opinion, after synonymization of the two species, Muscina pascuorum Meigen, 1826 = M. japonicaShinonaga, 1974, syn. nov. and Muscina levida Harris, 1780 = M. danubea Zielke, 2019, syn. nov., the Palaearctic fauna consists of six valid species. A detailed key for the Palaearctic Muscina is offered. New and the second European record of M. angustifrons in Mordovia is reported; thecolour variability of this species is also discussed. The distribution of M. minor is clarified with the first record for Europe. Indonesian M. sumatrensisand doubtful specimens collected in Northern Vietnam are briefly discussed. New data on the habits of Muscina based on collecting by beer traps are reported.

Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 23-02-2023 09:05

Posted by varganimrod on 23-02-2023 09:59

Thank you very much!

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 23-02-2023 19:47

I forgot to give link on paper:

Posted by varganimrod on 23-02-2023 19:55

Thank you!