Thread subject: :: Hypoderma bovis?

Posted by miked on 23-01-2008 16:05

is this a warble-fly. cheam, london, uk seems a very unlikely situation to find one.

Edited by miked on 29-01-2008 19:23

Posted by Zeegers on 23-01-2008 19:40

It isn't

It a Syrphid: Merodon (equestris, I guess)


Posted by Andre on 23-01-2008 20:46

Very strange picture... flash? Photoshop?
Do you have some from other angles?

Posted by miked on 23-01-2008 22:46

not photoshop just flash

Posted by Tony Irwin on 26-01-2008 23:53

When was the photo taken? - it looks to be freshly emerged.

Posted by miked on 28-01-2008 14:15

10am 29 May

Posted by Tony Irwin on 28-01-2008 19:58

Thanks - just checking it wasn't a January specimen!

Posted by amalia_raluca on 29-01-2008 09:47

Could it be M. equestris f. validus?

Posted by Zeegers on 29-01-2008 18:43

I'm not sure why the title has been changed, it is NOT a Hypoderma and I do believe it is a Merodon.


Posted by miked on 29-01-2008 19:22

sorry about that I was trying to reflect the fact that I had got the identity wrong in the first place and to change it to the correct name. will remove my change