Thread subject: :: Australia Asilidae - Saropogon flavofacialis

Posted by jgruber111 on 04-02-2023 19:00

Found on Mortlock River Road private property just north of Great Eastern Highway, NW of Cunderdin, Western Australia, Australia on 20.XI.2018. More and bigger pics here.

Saropogon sp.? Very similar to this one seemingly IDed as that genus.

Or maybe Thereutria sp.? Looks close to this one as well.

Edited by jgruber111 on 06-02-2023 15:20

Posted by jgruber111 on 04-02-2023 19:03

Another view.

Posted by Chris Cohen on 05-02-2023 05:19

Seems to match Saropogon (Lycomax) flavofacialis quite well. The iNat specimen is the same but misidentified.

Posted by jgruber111 on 06-02-2023 15:21

Awesome. thanks much Chris!