Thread subject: :: Tachina magnicornis male
Posted by Christine Devillers on 22-01-2008 12:36
Frons wide, fore tarsus black, black abdominal stripe widens on tergite 5, is it Tachina magnicornis ? (Spa, Belgium, 02-08-2005)
I've read in the book of J. and H. Haupt that the frons and occiput are principally grey in T.magnicornis when the occiput is yellow in T.fera. I don't see that feature in the keys. Is it correct ?
Edited by Christine Devillers on 11-02-2009 15:56
Posted by Zeegers on 22-01-2008 17:48
-1) This is, indeed, a male of magnicornis
-2) I'm not familiar with the book by Haupt and Haupt
-3) the feature mentioned is generally true, but there are many exceptions. As with nearly all features between fera and magnicornis
Posted by Christine Devillers on 22-01-2008 23:19
Thanks a lot Theo
On those photos, how do you see that it is a male?
As it is a male, when the key give the feature of anterior claws (red arrow) clearly shorter than the last 2 tarsal segments combined. Could you tell me where are the 5th tarsal segment (blue arrow ?) and the 4th segment (black arrow ?).
Posted by Zeegers on 23-01-2008 18:46
The fact that the claws are long, shows it must be male.
Your arrows are correct. The feature itself is unreliable.
It is magnicornis, simply because it is a male (see above) with broad vertex. Fera always has narrow vertex in the male sex.