Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae, Gymnomus ? from Romania

Posted by cosmln on 21-01-2008 15:21


just photographed/collected this fly (21.January.2008).
size ~7mm

here the "rule" 4+1 is not applying so will not be a Suillia... can be IDed furter?

thanks in advance,

[EDIT]: title updated

Edited by cosmln on 21-01-2008 16:25

Posted by cosmln on 21-01-2008 15:24

second photo

Posted by cosmln on 21-01-2008 15:26

last photo

Posted by Juergen Peters on 21-01-2008 15:45

Hello, cosmln!

Calyptrate fly (see photo 3), so no Heleomyzid. I suppose Scatophaga sp. (lutaria?).

P.S.: More often than in the past I read Scathophagidae instead of Scatophagidae. But wouldn't be the latter be more correct (meaning "shit eater" of course...)?

Edited by Juergen Peters on 21-01-2008 15:51

Posted by Andrzej on 21-01-2008 16:02

Heleomyzidae, tribe Heleomyzini, probably 2 prosternal bristles and , if yes so should be a female of genus Gymnomus Lw :p.

Posted by cosmln on 21-01-2008 16:07

Andrzej wrote:
Heleomyzidae, tribe Heleomyzini, probably 2 prosternal bristles and , if yes so should be a female of genus Gymnomus Lw :p.

thanks, this exemplar is collected.
can be identified further? what area to photograph under binoculars?

from what i see there are 10 species from this genus (Gymnomus) in Europe and from this after FE 4 species are present (caesius, ceianui, europaeus, spectabilis) in Romania


Edited by cosmln on 21-01-2008 16:17

Posted by Juergen Peters on 21-01-2008 16:19

Andrzej wrote:
Heleomyzidae, tribe Heleomyzini

Ups... But isn't that a calyptra, especially visible on the third picture:

Posted by Paul Beuk on 21-01-2008 16:21

Juergen Peters wrote:
More often than in the past I read Scathophagidae instead of Scatophagidae. But wouldn't be the latter be more correct (meaning "shit eater" of course...)?

Scathophagidae is based on the original spelling and, even though it may be incorrrect spelling language-wise, it is correct spelling according to the rules of zoological nomenclature.

Posted by cosmln on 21-01-2008 16:23

Juergen Peters wrote:
Andrzej wrote:
Heleomyzidae, tribe Heleomyzini

Ups... But isn't that a calyptra, especially visible on the third picture:

from what i know is not.
but if Andrzej still think is a heleomyzid i believe him :d


Posted by Andrzej on 21-01-2008 16:29

make a photo please of hind femur (How many bristles in the second half are present ?.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 21-01-2008 16:41

Paul Beuk wrote:
Scathophagidae is based on the original spelling and, even though it may be incorrrect spelling language-wise, it is correct spelling according to the rules of zoological nomenclature.

Thanks, Paul! Then I'll have to change a bit in my databases... ;)

Posted by cosmln on 21-01-2008 17:16

hi Andrzej,

here are two photo taken to mounted specimen (not really mounted, not glued).
i hope you will find there what you need for identification.


Edited by cosmln on 21-01-2008 17:18

Posted by cosmln on 21-01-2008 17:20

detail of the hind femur

Posted by Andrzej on 22-01-2008 21:40

Hi !,
please be patient !
I should to verify my key of Gymnomus Lw and I am slightly busy at the momment :(