Posted by Carnifex on 29-11-2022 20:34
Garden in Vienna, late May. On
Edited by Carnifex on 16-04-2023 15:26
Posted by Ben Hamers on 29-11-2022 23:17
Posted by Nosferatumyia on 30-11-2022 13:42
Tephritis nigricauda Lw.
This time it is just a visitor on calendula, its host plant is apparently a matricaria. No
T. praecox.
Edited by Nosferatumyia on 30-11-2022 13:45
Posted by Carnifex on 01-12-2022 21:18
Thanks both!
Funny that two different but similar species sat on the same plant (the only
Candula in the garden).
Now, further questions arise:
I wouldn't be surprised if
Matricaria would not be the only host plant genus of
T. nigricauda, because
M. chamomilla is almost absent and
M. discoidea only sparsely distributed in the city.
That is of course under the assumption that it is in fact that species - because, Val, tell me if there is an invisible, but non-negligible 'cf' behind your ID, as I found this species-group mostly not to be IDed on species level, especially regarding my not-so-great photos.
Lastly, here are all the
Tephritis species so far found in my tiny backyard:
T. neesii (sitting on
T. formosa
T. praecox (see link above)
one (yet) unidentified
An ID-request for a possible
Dioxyna is still awaiting its confirmation
Edited by Carnifex on 01-12-2022 21:20
Posted by Nosferatumyia on 08-12-2022 02:14
Gruess Gott, Lorin,
nigricauda is a strange species with many cryptic species in the Near East, but the type locality of
T. nigricauda is Schneeberg, so no doubts.
Its host according to Merz (1994) is Anthemis arvensis, but actual host range is not understood.