Thread subject: :: Chloropidae/Calamoncosis
Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 29-10-2022 04:37
This Chloropidae of 2.5 mm was observed yesterday on Choisya ternata at home (north of Yonne department, France). Calamoncosis may be the good genus. Are you in agreement with this suggestion ?
All my thanks.
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 28/10/2022
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2,5 estimé
Réf. : 313762
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 28/10/2022
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2,5 estimé
Réf. : 313763
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 28/10/2022
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2,5 estimé
Réf. : 313764
Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 07-11-2022 20:49
Chloropidae, Oscinellinae, as already identified for Jean-Michel, this is Calamoncosis spec. to which belong robust species, mostly with sparcely punctured frons and ocellar triangle, a fine keel separating the two halfs of the face (space for the antennae), a gena which does not protrude before the anterior eye margin and a rugose scutum. Other important details for species identification cannot be seen in these images, except that the halteres are black. Calamoncosis spp. develop in grasses, being mostly host specific (e.g. Phragmites, Glyceria, Stipa), but flies had also been reared from dicots by M.v.T.
Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 09-11-2022 06:14
Thanks Michael.
Best wishes, Jean-Michel Garel.
Posted by evdb on 09-11-2022 10:11
I thought
Calamoncosis have all tarsae yellow except last tarsomer like
this one.
Here the anterior tarsomer is quite black.
Edited by evdb on 09-11-2022 12:04
Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 09-11-2022 12:21
Although tis pict is fuzzy, a zoom on the fore tarsae shows that it is not quite black.
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 28/10/2022
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2,5 estimé
Réf. : 313765
Edited by GAREL Jean-Michel on 09-11-2022 13:04