Thread subject: :: Bombyliid copula, large, from Krasnodar Coast, Black Sea

Posted by komarik on 18-01-2008 15:39

Bombyliid copula, large, from Krasnodar Coast, Black Sea.
Who know this sp.?

Posted by David Gibbs on 18-01-2008 16:06

Satyramoeba hetrusca (Fabricius, 1794)

you should transfer this to Diptera adults forum

Posted by crex on 18-01-2008 18:34

Paul Beuk will probably transfer the thread. Please submit the photo to the gallery, perhaps without the annoying text.

Posted by Andre on 19-01-2008 00:07

Text is not annoying to me... :)

Posted by komarik on 10-02-2008 19:47


Text need for sci-probalities. I spend much time with naming when save fotos from www. Sometimes i hate this process! Why not identify our fotos with date-location?! it will never loss )))