Thread subject: :: Stratiomydae

Posted by Margarita Auer on 18-01-2008 12:28

Dear members,

is this fly Stratiomys singularior?
Photo from 3.8.2007 in the South of Vienna in Lower Austria.

Thank You

Margarita Auer

Posted by Zeegers on 18-01-2008 14:23

If it's really that yellow, it's either S. potamida or S. chamaelon.


Posted by Andre on 18-01-2008 23:51

Potamida i would say, because on T4 there's a yellow band. No pics from the sternites?

Posted by Margarita Auer on 19-01-2008 11:41

Thank You Theo and Andre.

Unfortunately I do not have further photos.

Best Regards


Posted by Andre on 19-01-2008 15:01

PS: exact writing of familyname = Stratiomyidae.