Thread subject: :: Musca domestica or autumnalis?

Posted by zcuc on 17-01-2008 01:13

Recently I'm trying to photo M.domestica in Israel but it seem there are so many musca that it is a little confusing.

I not sure, it this male M.autumnalis?
If so what are the difference from M.domestica ?

Edited by zcuc on 17-01-2008 01:42

Posted by Zeegers on 17-01-2008 09:16

There might be more species in Israel.
This looks like the male of autumnalis.
domestica males are not that orange, at least not with us.


Posted by zcuc on 26-03-2008 22:58


I would like to ask something that bother me. I'd read that Musca autumnalis male eyes should almost touch each other but here they look a bit apart. it is possible with M.autumnalis ?


Posted by Kahis on 26-03-2008 23:08

I'd say it is not autumnalis. The color of the abdomen is not a good character as it depends on the temperature during larval (or pupal) development. There are several other species that may occur in Israel: Musca albina, M. conducens, M. crassirostris etc.). There are 12 Musca species in Europe alone. Most of them could well occur is Israel, as well as several north african species.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 26-03-2008 23:20

It isn't:
M.albina - too dusted mesonotum
M.crassirostris - has all grey abdomen
M.confiscata - small black
My vote for