Posted by guplox on 30-09-2022 14:42
Spotted this black fly in early June in east China. Small, body size estimated at only 5mm. Initially thought it was like a Trigonospila but now inclined to think it's something near Leiophora innoxia. So at least could it be something in the tribe Blondeliini? Thanks in advance.
Posted by Zeegers on 30-09-2022 14:45
Hi Guplox,
If you really want answers, you need to start collecting this stuff.
Your fauna is very interesting but also very understudied.
Once in a while, we hit the jackpot, as with Trichoformosomyia. But in most cases, even genus is difficult.
Edited by Zeegers on 30-09-2022 17:23
Posted by guplox on 30-09-2022 15:10
The suggestion makes sense here. I'll try to capture a specimen of this curious dipteran next time I chance (hopefully) upon them. Thank you, Zeegers, as always, for the constant help and the encouraging interest. |t