Posted by Axel D on 08-08-2022 15:52
Today I found this small fly (and two other similar ones) by sweep netting some
Tanacetum vulgare. I think it's either
Tephritis tanaceti or
T. praecox which seem to be very similar. According to T. tanaceti may be found on
Tanacetum vulgare whereas
T. praecox would be on
Calendula or
Filago (I didn't see either of these plants). With the host plant, I would have chosen
T. tanaceti but
this topic shows a fly identified as
T. praecox on
Tanacetum vulgare. So, which species does my fly belong to ?
Found in Rosny-sous-Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France
On the 8th of August 2022
Body length : 3 mm
Edit : I have just seen that there is another close species :
Tephritis dioscurea. But it doesn't seem to have already been recorded in France and I don't know if it can be found on
Tanacetum vulgare (bladmineerders only gives it on
T. corymbosum in this genus).
Edit :
Tephritis dioscurea seems to be known in France, but with another spelling :
Tephritis dioscura
Edited by Axel D on 08-08-2022 19:55
Posted by Nosferatumyia on 08-08-2022 19:23
Looks to be a very typical
T. tanaceti Hering (which is possibly a host race of
T. dioscurea or perhaps a good species -- nobody knows so far)
Edited by Nosferatumyia on 08-08-2022 19:24