Posted by runetk on 12-07-2022 14:29
Which Tabanidae
Location: Norway, North-Norway. Holten, Gausvik, Harstad
Habitat: Near the sea.
Date: 11.07.2022
Edited by runetk on 12-07-2022 14:30
Posted by runetk on 13-07-2022 18:22
Thanks Theo |t
I checked the list of recorded Hybomitra in North Norway about 12 species.
Ref: Norw. J. Entomol. 51, 3–26. 2004:
Among them only H.montana & H.nigricornis have the all black slender antenna shape, am I right?
And the northern form of montana should not have orange side
edges on abdomen?
North of Norway = NN
Hybomitra arpadi NN (orange ant. segment.)
Hybomitra astuta NN
Hybomitra aterrima NN (all black - no orange side edges on abdomen)
Hybomitra auripila NN not.
Hybomitra bimaculata NN (orange bigger ant. segment.)
Hybomitra borealis NN (orange ant. segment. long last palpi segment)
Hybomitra ciureai
Hybomitra distinguenda
Hybomitra kaurii NN (orange ant. segment. no orange side edges abd.)
Hybomitra lundbecki NN (orange bigger ant. segment.)
Hybomitra lurida NN (orange ant. segment.)
Hybomitra montana NN possible match - orange on abdomen??
Hybomitra muehlfeldi
Hybomitra nigricornis NN possible match (svarthornklegg)
Hybomitra nitidifrons NN (orange ant. segment.)
Hybomitra sexfasciata (Hine, 1923)
Hybomitra solstitialis (Meigen, 1820)
Hybomitra tarandina NN (orange ant. segment.)
Edited by runetk on 13-07-2022 18:29
Posted by Zeegers on 13-07-2022 19:00
I am not sure if I understand your question, but for starters, this is a male.
Antenna is dark, tibiae reddish, so check.
The extension of red on tergites fits nigricornis quite well.
Unfortunately, we can’t see the palpus.