Thread subject: :: Agromyzidae from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Posted by Diego Rosa on 10-07-2022 20:35

Hi, I found these flies at the Botanical Garden in Buenos Aires. It was suggested in another forum to be Agromyzidae. I'd like to go to genus or species.


Diego Rosa

Posted by John Carr on 10-07-2022 21:45

Subfamily Phytomyzinae.

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 02-09-2022 20:12

Agromyzidae: Liriomyza spec. In the Neotropics several species possess a bright yellow patch in front of the scutellum.

Edited by von Tschirnhaus on 02-09-2022 20:14

Posted by Diego Rosa on 31-07-2023 20:01

Thank you Very much Von Tschirnhaus.,