Posted by Sundew on 28-06-2022 14:54
Yesterday I took pictures in a wetland and saw this dark male running on
Phragmites leaves to lick honeydew. As to size, look and thoracic bristles I consider it an Anthomyiid, but I never saw such colours: the red-orange part of the head not only covering the frons but running down the parafacials, and the bright yellow halters with orange bases. The eyes were also strikingly red.
I know Anthomyiids are difficult, and I'm totally stuck with the identification. But maybe somebody recognises this nice fly, so I post a series of pictures that hopefully show the important characters.
The location was southwestern Germany, 25 km west of Stuttgart.
Many thanks for any help! Sundew
Posted by javanerkelens on 07-07-2022 08:31
cf. Lasiomma seminitidum (seem my further comment in the mail)