Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 05-01-2008 17:56
I was doing in Google spreadsheet an index for all photos of gallery.
Take a look here:
ANy suggestions would be welcome. Specially you can EDIT this spreadsheet thus in this way would speed up an helpful index to find some species in particular. I know that very soon Paul will implement the search feature for gallery.
This is an alternative until that search feature appears.
If you like to help me in build more quick, please feel free to email me so I can give permission to you edit the google spreadsheet.
This can be prone to errors - that's the disadvantage comparing with the new search feature - and of course much more work.
Great advantages are:
1 - we can use csv files, excel files, and put the index in pdf format. :)
2 - using strong filters in Excel to see a mix of parameters you want to select.
3 - we can get a quick idea about the families (relative numbers) looking at the table.
4 - it can be used offline. you can save the data in many formats - pdf, excel, doc, csv, etc.
5 - it gives much more info about who determined the species, google maps info where the specimen was spotted (i hope so)... etc
I hope you like. Thank you.
Jorge Almeida
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 05-01-2008 17:59
Posted by Susan R Walter on 09-01-2008 14:16
I can see why you want a less clunky search facility for the gallery, but this seems to be rather a lot of double handling of the information, and with improvements to on the way (I assume - Paul?) may just not be worth the effort? My thoughts, but I applaud your enthusiasm :)
Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-01-2008 14:21
The double work was why I decline to actively work on the index. It is busy enough as it is. ;)
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 09-01-2008 14:31
yes. Paul is pretty right.
However, I wonder what you think about the advantages of Google spreadsheet? See the points I gave in my previous post.
Of course, this would be possible if we had some collaborators. But perhaps it is better to wait that new feature for diptera and then we will see. :)
Posted by Susan R Walter on 09-01-2008 22:40
I think Google spreadsheets do have the advantages you mention. I am using them for a new website I am working on, Loire Valley Nature, to create species lists and collect records.
Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-01-2008 23:34
I am about to do the same for giving a list of records to a British entomologist in Greece who sent me material for identification. ;)