Thread subject: :: Ectophasia => Ectophasia crassipennis

Posted by Jessica on 14-06-2022 19:54


I have a doubt for this one. The wings are milky (leucoptera ?), but the black stripe of abdomen is not very broad (crassipennis ?).
How can i tell the two species apart ?

South of France, june 2022

Edited by Jessica on 15-06-2022 16:51

Posted by eklans on 15-06-2022 08:44

Hello Jessica, the black spots on the wings should be much weaker and (hard to see) the black stripe on the abdomen should be shiny and broad for E. leucoptera - compare the gallery https://www.dipte...to_id=2989. I think it's a male crassipennis.

Posted by Jessica on 15-06-2022 16:50

Hello Eric,

Thank you very much for clarification and help !